Opening of the Joseph Needham Special Collection Room at the newly renovated HKU Main Library on 7 December 2018.
In honor of the many contributions of the late Dr. Joseph Needham to the University of Hong Kong, and with the support of the Joseph Needham Foundation for Science and Civilisation, the Joseph Needham Special Collections Room was opened in a very fitting by Prof Ian Holliday, Vice President and Pro-Vice-Chancellor and Mr. Peter Sidorko, University Librarian, Dr. Peter Lee and fellow directors from JNFSC; also special guests included Prof Jianjun Mei, Director of the NRI, and Prof W. Y. Liang of the University of Cambridge. The Room will facilitate students/researchers who are interested in the work of the Needham scholarly legacy. The photos are uploaded to our Facebook page at: Please scroll down to “Who Was Joseph Needham”
