In partnership with the Hong Kong Science Museum, JNFSC is glad to have Prof. Lau Chak Sing from the University of Hong Kong to share with us the latest development in COVID-19 vaccines!
Recorded lectureship video is available on our Gallery section as well as below within the post, provided by the Hong Kong Science Museum.
The following content is from the Hong Kong Science Museum official YouTube Channel:
自2020年3月11日,世界衞生組織宣布新型冠狀病毒成為全球大流行的疫情至今,已接近一年。直到2021年1月底,全球已超過一億宗感染個案,和超過220萬人因新冠病毒而去世。雖然香港並非疫情最嚴峻的城市,但疫情以來至2021年2月中,本地也有約10,800宗確診個案和約190人去世。新冠疫情的衝擊遠比數據上顯示的嚴重,大大影響著我們的日常生活和社會運作。因此,我們希望這場疫症能儘快結束,而疫苗注射是最有效的方法。 有賴生物學和生物醫學的先進技術,我們正見證著疫苗技術以前所未有的速度發展,為對抗新冠疫情帶來曙光。多種疫苗快將在市面推出,而每種疫苗是以不同技術平台研發的,我們怎樣才能辨識它們是否安全有效呢?講者將介紹各種新推出的疫苗所利用的技術和原理、解釋疫苗製作的各個階段、本地疫苗注射計劃的推行、以及這些疫苗如能有效對抗新冠病毒,將如何改善香港的社區健康狀況。 講者:香港大學 李嘉誠醫學院 內科學系 系主任 劉澤星教授 香港科學館、李約瑟科技與文明基金會及香港科學院聯合主辦 自2020年3月11日,世界卫生组织宣布新型冠状病毒成为全球大流行的疫情至今,已接近一年。直到2021年1月底,全球已超过一亿宗宗感染个案,并且超过220万人因新冠病毒而去世。虽然香港并非疫情最严峻的城市,但疫情以来至2021年2月中,本地也有约10,800宗确诊个案和约190人去世。着我们的日常和社会运作。因此,我们希望初期流行病能尽快结束,而疫苗注射是最有效的方法。 有赖生物学和生物医学的先进技术,我们正见证着疫苗技术以前所未有的速度发展,为对抗新冠状病情带来曙光。我们将如何介绍各种新推出的疫苗所利用的技术和原理,解释疫苗制作的各个阶段,本地疫苗注射计划的植入,以及这些疫苗如能有效对抗新冠状病毒,将如何改善香港的社区健康状况。 讲者:香港大学李嘉诚医学院内科学系系主任刘泽星教授 香港科学馆,李约瑟科技与文明基金会及香港科学院联合主办 It has almost been a year since the World Health Organization declared COVID-19 as a pandemic on 11th March 2020. As of the end of January 2021, there have been over 100 million cases reported with over 2.2 million deaths globally. While Hong Kong may not have been the worst-hit city by COVID-19, we have had about 10,800 cases and approximately 190 deaths by mid-February 2021. The impact of COVID-19 is far greater than what these figures represent. Indeed, the pandemic has caused disruptions to almost everything that we do in life. It is therefore pertinent that we curb this pandemic as soon as possible, and vaccination is the most effective way. Thanks to advances in biological sciences and medicine, we are witnessing an unprecedented speed of vaccine development to combat COVID-19. With so many types of vaccine becoming available, and with each of them developed based on different technological platforms, how can we tell if they are safe and effective in preventing COVID-19? The speaker will introduce the rationale of the various technological platforms the new vaccines are based on, and explain the different stages of vaccine development, the roll out of the local vaccination programme and how would it improve community health conditions in Hong Kong should these vaccines be successful. Speaker: Prof. Lau Chak Sing (Head of Department (Medicine), Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine, The University of Hong Kong) Jointly organised by the Hong Kong Science Museum, the Joseph Needham Foundation for Science and Civilisation and the Hong Kong Academy of Sciences